Top Things to Consider Before Moving Into a Halfway House in Kansas

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Looking for a halfway house in Kansas? Do you know what things to check for before you move in? Not all halfway houses are the same. And if you cannot find a good one to check into, your recovery can get hampered.

Did you know that in the US, almost 60% of people above 12 years have used some substance? This could be alcohol, drugs, or tobacco, according to reports from the National Survey on Drug Use and Health. Another report states that out of almost 140 million alcohol users here, about 65.8 million are binge drinkers.

This just goes to show why alcoholism is so rampant in the US and why halfway houses play a crucial role.

Who needs to move into a halfway house in Kansas?

Anyone who has been using drugs or drinking alcohol excessively needs help. They can look for halfway homes nearby because they offer the structure and routine that is missing in their lives.

Some halfway house residents are those that have already spent months in a rehab facility. But this stay isn’t mandatory to check into a halfway house. But, if you have completed rehab and still feel unsure about being on your own, then halfway houses are right for you.

Usually, when residents have been in rehab before moving into a sober living home, they tend to stay sober. By this time, they have acquired significant coping skills in rehab. They will typically follow the rules of a halfway house and seek employment.

What are easy ways to choose a good sober living?

Is there any checklist that you can follow to find a good halfway home in Kansas?

All halfway homes are meant to assist addicts to stay sober. But many don’t do their job. Here’s what you must look for:

  •                   You need to ensure that the environment inside the home is drug-free and sober. Living in a stable and peaceful place is critical for your recovery. If you are forced to live in a destructive environment, you will find yourself going into a relapse.
  •                   It’s important to choose a house that establishes rules and punishes its residents for violating them. If there are no night curfews in place, you better search for another place to move into.
  •                   The house should not be dilapidated and rundown; the living quarters must be clean and spacious.
  •                   Don’t trust a house that lets you stay for free. You need to choose one which will help you get a job to pay for your rent there.
  •                   The house manager must organize regular drug tests to ensure residents are not abusing drugs or alcohol anymore. The absence of such stringent measures should be taken as a red flag.
  •                   If a house doesn’t have admission criteria for new residents, you had better look elsewhere. It clearly means the facility isn’t safe for recovering addicts.

Look at these things before checking into a halfway house anywhere. Even if you are not satisfied with a facility in your area, look outside your hometown. It’s more important to find a good facility to avoid relapse than to settle for anything just because it’s closer to home.

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